Sunday, November 21, 2010

Final Project-

The final assignment is based on self exploration. We are to examine ourselves and focus on a characteristic. After sharing personal experiences with classmates (notes pictured), I chose to depict the anal, type-A segment of myself that takes on too much and lives out of my planner. I am concentrating on the phrase "Having too much on my plate." Step 1- make a plate ( workings depicted in sketches) I made 3 different molds in an attempt to get these plates to work; a 2 part mold proved unnecessary and I was making my one part mold through a complicated (and incorrect) process of casting the negative and positive plaster. Finally I got it to work, and I am on my way...

Project #2- Connectivity- Installed

Here they are, installed. I mounted each mushroom head on a copper wire and drilled a hole in the wood to stand the vertical object. In all, there are a few hundred.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Connectivity project (#2) Completed

Almost time for crits on these little guys. They have made their way onto an old pressure-treated piece of wood. To me, they mimic mushrooms but I was thinking about the idea of 'connect the dots' when I made them . The interest in social implications is still present, as with my original idea, in the profile of the piece, it is loosely based off of a graph that depicts the negative correlation between internet use and social isolation.